Mr O'Raoghaill's 5th Class Electric Quiz Board
Mr O'Raoghaill's 5th class was busy at work making an electric quiz board with 6 one-word questions and answers. For example, some groups did artists and the songs they wrote or country capitals. It was great fun to make and use them. So here is how they were made:
We started by gluing an A4 page onto an A4 piece of cardboard and writing a quiz on it - just a mini one with one word per question and answer. It ended up being harder than expected to come up with a quiz! After we all came up with one, we put paper clips on the sides of the cardboard beside the questions and answers. The cardboard was too thick to fit the paperclip on so we had to pinch the sides of it to make it thinner. We then flipped it around and attached wires to the paper clips so that a wire was going from the question to the right answer. We then got a mini light bulb and attached two wires to it, we then connected one of them to a battery and let the other one hang loose. It took quite a while to get the wires in to the bulb and the battery! When we had that done, we then attached yet another wire to the battery, then let it hang loose.
We knew we did it right if you put one of the loose wires on the paperclip beside a question and the other to the correct answer and the bulb lights up. If it didn't work, we had to go back and try find any mistakes the most common mistakes where a dead battery or bulb. My group found that the paper clips where too thick, so we replaced them with new ones.
Overall it was quite fidgety, but in the end we got it and it was very fun to use and play around with. We brought it around to other classes and everybody enjoyed using it. I hope other people get the chance to build something like this. It feels amazing knowing you got all of the steps right when the bulb lights up. Thank you for reading about our 5th class' quiz board!