Thursday, 27 June 2019

Chernobyl International & The Rose of Tralee

Chernobyl International & The Rose of Tralee

€500 Donation from 6th Class

The 6th classes in Scoil Bhríde recently completed their Annual Cake Sale. After the great success of this we had three chosen charlies to give funds to. We had chosen the Chernobyl International charity as we had seen some months ago a child in a picture with the Rose of Tralee wearing our schoool jumper. We thought it would be a nice connection to pick Chernobyl as a chosen charity.

We were very fortunate this week that the present Rose of Tralee, Kirstin Mate Maher was able to attend our school and accept the cheque of €500 on behalf of Chernobyl.

Kirstin spoke to all the school assembly and had some great words about her own personal journey as well as her journey to becoming a Rose. There were some budding young Roses in the audience who will be trying to follow her footsteps!

We thank Kirstin for visiting our school it was an honor and we wish her well in her last few weeks as the Rose of Tralee.