Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Girls Gaelic footballers get GOLD!

Scoil Bhríde U11 Girls are
County Champions!
On Wednesday the 17th of October Scoil Bhride Kilcullen girls U11 team took part in the County Finals in Moorfield. The girls played in the division 1 final. Before the final the girls played 2 league games against Ballymany of Newbridge and Monasterevin and managed to win both games. Next they were to play Clane in the Semi-Finals and beat Clane. Next up was the Finals and they played Scoil Uí Ríóda of Kilcock. Both teams played excellent but Kilcullen managed to pull off another win, for 5 years in a row. All the girls played a fantastic game of football. Most importantly a big thanks to Ms O’Keeffe and Ms. Collins for coaching the team. Congratulations to all the girls who played in the match and who came to all our trainings.
                                              By Amy & Leah Tyrrell