Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Green Schools News
This year the greens schools committee and all of the children are working towards the school's fifth green flag for biodiversity. We already have four green flags: the recycling/waste flag, the water flag, the energy flag and the travel flag. 
We had a renewal visit on February 20th for our fifth green flag.  Dara Wyer from Kildare County Council met with the Green Schools Committee and talked with them about all of the work that is being done in our school to help our environment.  

We are still recycling in each classroom and conserving energy and water.  Every Wednesday we have a competition in the school called Walk on Wednesday. This encourages the children to leave their cars at home and walk, scoot or cycle to school. If you live far away you have the option to park and stride or car pool. We have a golden boot for the junior end of the school and a different one for the senior students. If your class wins, your teacher will give you a reward or a prize.
Beside the junior yard the Green Schools Committee have started a new school garden. Some of the classes and the Green Schools Committee will be growing peas, beetroot, potatoes, herbs, strawberries, and ornamental gourds in the garden. It is too early to sow any of our vegetables outdoors, but the children are busy growing them from seed in their classrooms, and when the weather gets warmer they will be planted out.  Hopefully the garden will look good when it is finished! 

 We are also hoping to hold our Action Day for Biodiversity after the Easter Holidays.  The children will be asked to dress up on the day and an activity has been organised for each class. We will also be taking part in An Taisce’s National Spring Clean for the month of April, and will be picking litter around our school grounds each week for the month.  

Our Green Schools Notice board has all of our news on it and it is located outside Ms. Carney’s room, 3rd Class.

By Jorda and Orla 6th Class Hazel Ms O Keeffe