Friday, 15 December 2017

The life of an Irish Dancer by Sinéan Moran 6 Hazel

                                   Irish Dancing

Hi, I’m Sinead Moran. I am 12 years old and I do competitive Irish Dancing. I started when I was six years old. I was in Senior Infants. I just started because my mammy said that there was classes in the local school.
                                                    The First Three Years
For the first three years that I did Irish Dancing, I kind of just hopped around the place and just went for fun and to see my friends. I didn’t take it seriously at all.
                                                             The Fourth Year
In the fourth year that I did Irish Dancing, I started to show interest in doing feises. I asked my mammy if I could do a one. She said that she would talk to my teacher and see what she said. So she did. My teacher said that I could. I did a few but I just needed a bit more work. So my teacher said that if I wanted to see better results that maybe I should start doing more than one class a week. I started to do several classes a week and I saw results. That year I got a new costume. Also that year I did teams at the Leinster Championships. We didn’t place but it was a great experience.
The Fifth Year
In the fifth year of Irish Dancing I achieved a lot. I did a lot of feises and shows that were really fun. That year I got another new costume. It was pink and white. I loved it so much. That year I did Leinster solos for the first time U11. I did well considering it was my first year.
The Sixth Year
In the sixth year of Irish Dancing a lot happened. So first, in January I got a picture with Sean Mortalo [World Champion.] In Febuary I competed in the South Leinster’s. This was a team competition. We did really well. In March my dance school and I went to Vermont for St Patricks Day. My teachers brother owned the Summit Lodge so we stayed there because he was having an Irish festival there.[That’s where we danced.] In April I tore my hamstring. I missed all of the feises from them until now and the All Ireland’s. It was really upsetting but I was still able to do one team dance but I just couldn’t to solos. It was really hard to see and watch but everything happens for a reason so I just kept thinking that and that I’ll be back fiercer than ever for the Leinster’s. I am doing my first feis back in two weeks and I can’t wait. It will be my first solo feis since the 30th of March. Two weeks later is the Leinster’s. My goal is two just do my best because I still only have about 50 percent of my flexibility back so I just need to keep working and just hope that I will have 100 percent flexibility by then.
The Leinsters
I competed in the leinsters this year in team and solo dancing. In my solo dancing I got 4th in both solos and 10th in the prelim championship. I got 3rd in my 2 hand with Elaine Birchall and then the next day we did it u15 and ended getting 5th.
The Move
After the Leinsters 2017 I decided that it was time to move on. It was a very emotional decision that took us months to decide. It was really hard to leave all of my friends but I knew that I would make new friends. I moved to Scoil Rince Chill Dara [SRCD] They are a very well known and established school in Kildare who are extremely successful. They have won countless South Leinster, leinsters, All Ireland and World Championship Titles.  They took home over 400 WORLD MEDALS in just 2017. They won 6 world titles this year. My teachers names are Carmel, Alan, Nichola and Nick. The studio is based in Toughers. I would highly recommend going there.

Thank You For Reading And I Hope That You Enjoyed It!
