Wednesday, 6 December 2017


By Brian & Lara, 6th Class Willow 

This is a blog about the christmas fair our school had a last Sunday the 3rd December. 
For our art in 6th class Christmas Fair Art we made a candle holder out of a log. 

You will need to make it..........
  • A Log    
  • Dust pan and brush (to clean the mess)
  • A Drill  (Caretaker Joe helped us here!) 
  • Decorations  (A little Robin, some cones and holly) 
  • Paint (1 coat, perhaps 2 if it dries too much) 
  • Glitter, silver is best.
  • Fake snow is optional. 
  • A candle 


Drill a small hole in the middle of the log (to hold a candle) clean the mess, slot in the candle and make sure it wont wobble (if so glue it in place). You can paint it a bit to give it a snowy affect. Last thing to do now is to DECORATE (this part is optional you dont have to do it but it looks lovely if you do)!

Happy Christmas!

Our finished design

Our display